Friday, October 29, 2010

TangibleStories Brainstorming

For HW2, I have to design a tangible interface that allows people to share photos, videos, and text. I am using the Microsoft Surface SDK to construct this tui. 

- at least four different surface controls
- two physical objects (tags)
- display photos, text, video 

Hand in
- project files
- readme file (Reality-based interaction, Tangible Interaction themes)
- photos of pyhsical objects
- 30-60 seconds video 

User scenario:Tupelos (Wellesley College a cappella) members are on a Tupie retreat. While hanging out, they bring up TangibleStories to look at videos, pictures, and lyrics of songs they sang and talk about great memories from the past. One of the members picks up a Musical Note tag to play a list of videos. They listen to performances and look at the choreographies; Tupies pick up the dance moves and entertain the other members.

Important Notes
Reality-Based interaction:
- Naive Physics
- Body Awareness & Skills
- Environment Awareness & Skills
- Social Awareness & Skills
Source: "Reality-Based Interaction: A Framework for Post-WIMP Interfaces"
by Rober J.K. Jacob, Audrey Girouard, Leanne M. Hirshfield, Micael S. Horn, Orit Shaer, Erin Treacy Solovey, Jamie Zigelbaum

Tangible Interaction Themes:
- Tangible Manipulation: tactile qualities
- Spatial Interaction: movement in "real space"
- Embodied Facilitation: material objects, space's effect on group behavior
- Expressive Representation: material and representation expressiveness and legibility
Source: "Getting a Grip on Tangible Interaction: A Framework on Physical Space and Social Interaction"
by Eva Hornecker, Jacob Buur

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